18F14K50 Dev Board


18F14K50 Dev Board

So I have been wanting to create a new line of products that will be USB capable for quite sometime now.  The beauty of USB is that it makes for a great way to update firmware and transfer information to a pc.  Well to begin this work I leveraged my pcb design skills and the access that I now have to an LPKF S62 router(http://www.lpkfusa.com/protomat/s62.htm) to complete a handy little development board.  You may notice the lack of ICSP headers since they are actually routed through the USB interface lines.  In this manner I can connect my Pickit2 directly to the board with a special usb cable that connects to a pickit2 through a traditional .1″ 6 pin header.  The RGB led on the board is for debugging purposes and is extremely handy for display of fault codes etc.  The switch on the side allows for easy and simple control of the VCC voltage from the USB’s 5V or to a regulated 3.3V (note: regulator not populated in this picture). I plan on doing a lot more with this design in terms of development so stay tuned. In the meantime, you can use the attached files to fab your own board!

14K50_DEV_BOARD Schematic
14K50_DEV_BOARD – Gerber Files